Organic Tales staring Beanman. Organic Tales is a fantasy comic strip about a teenager who inherits a strange suit from outer space to become the superhero Beanman. Beanman was created in 1976 by William Mitchell and Kimball Thorpe. All material © William Mitchell and Kimball Thorpe. All rights reserved.
Bill and I went to the ComicCon in NYC and spent a lot of time on artist’s alley with some very talented people. A very humbling experience for anyone who draws. This gave me the bug to get Beanman updated to 2007. I drew some pics and talked it over with Bill who had decided to start a Beanman website. He thought a new Beanman comic was a good idea and I thought something short like a daily comic would be fun. This “new” Beanman hopefully will have the spirit of the original without all the mis-spellings. I can’t duplicate the original but if you enjoy the original Beanman I hope you find this an adequate companion. I am trying to do a lot of different things with these short comics and I know that I won’t always succeed but I’m having fun and I hope it shows.
Kimball Thorpe
Kimball Thorpe